– Our Beliefs –


We desire to live every moment for the glory of God and to enjoy him forever. We believe that when we exalt Jesus Christ, and encourage other Christians to live a life in devotion to Jesus, the Son of God, who is the righteous God.


We desire to reach the Salt Lake Valley with the Gospel of Jesus Christ found only in the Bible; to come along side those who confess Jesus as Lord helping them grow in faith and holiness and spreading the gospel into all the world. 


We desire to teach the true Biblical Gospel. The true story of Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh, who was perfectly holy, died on the cross for sinners, was raised from the dead bodily. All to whom God gives new birth and who repent and believe in Christ alone will have their sins forgiven and given eternal life. 


We desire to study, understand and obey the Holy Writings given by the Spirit of God as God’s self-revelation. This is the Bible and it is sufficient for the church’s faith and practice. We are committed to systematic, exposition of this sacred book and believe it is fully authoritative, as the voice of God, in everything it speaks concerning. 

A Little More In-Depth


The Holy Bible was written by men, supernaturally inspired by God and is truth. It will remain until the end of this age. It is the only complete and final revelation of the will of God to man being inerrant, infallible, sufficient and clear. 


There is only one living and true God who is Creator of all the universe in six literal days. He is one being who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who are co-equal in nature having the same Divine substance, but distinct in personality and role. 

The Son of God

Jesus Christ is eternally God who came to earth, never ceased being divine, lived a sinless life, died to pay the penalty for sin, rose bodily from the dead. He is seated at the throne with the Father praying and interceding for the church daily. 

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is equally God with the Father and the Son. He is the minister of new birth and lives within the believer at salvation, sealing them for eternal life, guiding, teaching, sanctifying and helping the Christian.

The Father

God the Father is eternally God who orchestrates and ordains the salvation of sinners based upon his sovereign will and divine election. All people are responsible to receive the gift of God’s salvation through faith alone.


Though created in innocence all people apart from God are naturally wicked and utterly depraved deserving of divine judgment in hell. Jesus Christ paid the penalty of that punishment when he gave himself vicariously as sacrificial payment for sin in his death.


People will only receive forgiveness of sins by trusting exclusively in the propitious death and subsequent resurrection of Jesus Christ. Salvation is by Divine sovereign grace alone, which the Holy Spirit ministers in regeneration. Regeneration causes the sinner to see his sinfulness and to call out in faith to God for salvation. Salvation includes justification – being declared righteous by God; sanctification – being made to grow in righteousness by the Holy Spirit; and the prospect of glorification – promise of eternal life in a perfected state of righteousness. 

The Church

The church is made up of the universally redeemed people of God, sinners who have been born again by grace. The visible church is the gathering of believers locally and physically for worship and instruction. The true people of God will persevere in faith until they leave this earth and all true believers in Christ will manifest faith in holy living and loving service. Israel of the Old Testament and the church of the New Testament are spiritually connected and related but distinct members of the one people of God. Christ will return to deliver his church prior to establishing his kingdom on earth (Premillenial)