Category: <span>Life</span>

Christianity is a relationship. Giving your life to Jesus is what it means to be a Christian. Making a decision for God is becoming a Christian. Being a faithful person means that I am a Christian. Being a Christian means I love God and others. Christianity is defined as believing in Jesus Christ, after all it’s his “name” in the…

church Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering

All the cities in Alliance met to worship and pray at their weekly gathering, after several weeks they noticed that Mansheart was not in attendance. Representatives from the different cities sent emissaries to Mansheart fearing that the foul smell they had all experienced and the brooding skies above Mansheart were signs of ill-fate for the city. Mansheart’s lack of fellowship…

church Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering

Mansheart was in a place they had never been before. Prior to the Great One winning the city putting New-man in leadership, and before Holy Spirit had been communing with New-man various roving gangs had experienced free access to the city. Certainly, Guilty and Shame had troubled their Uncle Conscience, but usually they were hardly effective and Mansheart simply dealt…

church Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering

The citizens of Mansheart were overwhelmed with gratitude and joy over their new leader, New-man. New-Man was kind and gracious but was also grave and severe while being led and instructed by HolySpirit out of the Great One’s Book.  Holy Spirit daily illuminated New-man with truth concerning the Great One and His precious Son out of the Book.  New-man spent…

church Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering

Now the citizens of Mansheart were divided. Some desired to leave all behind, forsake the tyrant, and follow the Great One. Some believed that he had indeed made them and that certainly he had sacrificed to deliver them from the great lie and the tyranny that had such a strong hold on their city. For a long time citizens of…

Christian school Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering

They had very nearly succeeded in completely shutting up Guilt and Shameful with their worship appeasements and Pleasure’s satisfaction and encouragement (he, along with Willling, is one of the most influential citizens of Mansheart). But the truth was that the residents of the fair city had been deceived and were unaware of their origins. They thought they owed their allegiance…

church Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering

There once was a small city situated in a lush countryside whose citizens lived a simple yet comfortable existence. They mostly did whatever they desired, and no one really ever thought twice about it. A powerful, forceful tyrant ruled over them. He was not. kind and generous, but the people never lacked for food or earthly delights; so for generations,…

church Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering

The efforts and prayers of my week reach a fevered pitch every Sunday morning around 11:20 am. I enjoy prayers, Bible reading, and music with my spiritual siblings prior to that time; but as 11:30 approaches, my heart beats faster, my palms get sweaty, my internal prayers become more excited and often terror grips me. You would think that I…

church Doctrine Fundamentalism Life Spiritual Meandering

In the previous essay, I posited that immature people have certain characteristics that are hurtful to healthy Christian growth. I pointed out that all who are believers in Christ are a work in progress, but that God’s goal in sanctification is to present every man mature in Christ.  God is doing a work in each saint’s heart and mind and…

Doctrine Fundamentalism Life Spiritual Meandering

As regenerated children of God, we understand that our chief end or ultimate purpose is to glorify God and (by?) enjoying him forever. But how we do that could be described as our chief duty (or “delight” if the word “duty” carries too much baggage for you). Our chief duty then is given by Jesus when he said that the…

church Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering