Christian Joe Posts

Since my last post, some have suggested that there was not something called the Christian School movement.  This caused me to pause and consider my definitions.  Was there a Christian School movement?  Obviously, the answer to the afore mentioned question depends upon the definition of a movement. defines a movement this way, “a diffusely organized or heterogeneous group of…

Christian school homeschool

It has been a long time since i have written on CJ, sorry to all those who actually read this blog.  Now you may breathe a sigh of relief because I should be able to write more frequently.  This weekend I take off to speak at a teen retreat at Camp UTIBACA, but last week I spent most of my…

Christian school Education

We had a great time with Bonnie’s parents in Michigan.  I am really thankful for the great in-laws God has given me.  I am also very grateful that God allowed me to share our ministry in one of Lakeshore Baptist Church’s Sunday School classes.  God is good to allow times of relaxation.  


Sorry (for those who are CJ regl’ars) for the long dely in posting.  I have been in Michigan at the in-laws this past week.  Finally got to a coffee shop that has internet access.  (Starbucks didn’t even have wireless).  I will be posting some pictures of our time here in Michigan on the beach.  And yes, I know there are…


Sorry for the long absence; the last couple of weeks have been pretty busy.  I had a great time counselling up a Camp UTIBACA for a week.  About three young men trusted Christ as their Savior.  I got home just in time to run VBS at church.  That also was a blessing since we had about 40 in attendance and…

Spiritual Meandering

Carter likes his swimming.    He also likes his swinging!


This article is part three in my series.  When studying the account of Jacob in the Old Testament, I believe it is important to try to understand what God is doing rather than focus on what Jacob did.  Through this account we see the sovereign hand of God pulling, prodding this man.  I cherish the story of Jacob because it…

Spiritual Meandering

  I just got back from a little vacation.  It does feel good to get away for a little bit.  We met my sister and her husband and my mom and dad in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and then proceeded to travel up through Yellowstone National Park.  We were in Cody, Wy, for the fourth of July where we got together…


I get so excited reading about Jacob in the Bible.  The best part of the account occurs where I left off in my last article.  Jacob has just met God at Bethel.  God promises to bless him, provide for him, and guide him; but Jacob responds with fear.  What was Jacob so afraid of?  I believe he feared God’s control…

Spiritual Meandering

One of the most interesting persons in the Old Testament is Jacob.  He is the grandson of Abraham and the only son of his father Isaac.  The most intriguing aspect of Jacob's life is God's choice of a completely undeserving character.  There was absolutely nothing in Jacob's life that deserved God's love and favor.  But isn't that what grace is…

Spiritual Meandering