Category: <span>Christian school</span>

Now the citizens of Mansheart were divided. Some desired to leave all behind, forsake the tyrant, and follow the Great One. Some believed that he had indeed made them and that certainly he had sacrificed to deliver them from the great lie and the tyranny that had such a strong hold on their city. For a long time citizens of…

Christian school Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering

Since my last post, some have suggested that there was not something called the Christian School movement.  This caused me to pause and consider my definitions.  Was there a Christian School movement?  Obviously, the answer to the afore mentioned question depends upon the definition of a movement. defines a movement this way, “a diffusely organized or heterogeneous group of…

Christian school homeschool

It has been a long time since i have written on CJ, sorry to all those who actually read this blog.  Now you may breathe a sigh of relief because I should be able to write more frequently.  This weekend I take off to speak at a teen retreat at Camp UTIBACA, but last week I spent most of my…

Christian school Education

Before I attempt to answer this question, let me give a little background about myself.  I grew up in a God-fearing, Christ-honoring home where family devotions were insisted upon (even though we complained about getting up early).  I went to a small Christian school and received a solid education for which I am very grateful.  I attended a small Bible college…

Christian school Education Fundamentalism homeschool