Category: <span>Life</span>

It has been a while since I have had the chance to write a blog post. This text has been rolling around in my mind for some time (having recently taught through Jude), but I have not had the chance to formulate and type my thoughts. In Romans 16:16 Paul urges the Brothers in the church to watch out for…

Doctrine Education Life Spiritual Meandering

Many Baptist, church-going adults remember attending Sunday School as a child fondly. The quaint little classroom with the blackboard; Miss “Mumford” and her cool little flannel-graphs whose characters never seemed to face the correct way; the little offering basket where we put in our nickles and dimes; and of course, singing those short children’s songs that sought to take profound…

church Doctrine Fundamentalism Life Spiritual Meandering

Tim Challies (avid blogger and Christian author) recently interviewed Dr. Russel Moore about the value of reading fiction. I have always enjoyed some fiction (historical fiction sometimes irritates me, but that is just my tastes I suppose). In this portion of the interview, Dr. Moore writes some interesting thoughts about the value of fiction for the Christian and makes some…

Books church Education Life quote

I realize my last two posts might have seemed somewhat heavy and critical. In this post, I have decided to link to three articles that are well worth the read. So the problem is that one of the three (the one by Albert Mohler) is pretty heavy, but he says something that is so relevant and needs to be said.…

church Doctrine Life politics quote

2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:  And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. Paul sensed a great opposition to his ministry through those whom he classified as unreasonable and…

church Doctrine Education Life politics Spiritual Meandering

Where you there when the world was nothing but space And waters were moved with the Spirit of Grace? Did you order the stars in their brightness so fair And arrange the planets with provisioned care? Did you bring autumn’s breeze to remind of grace, Before winter’s cold snow hardens the human race? Will you water the earth with spring’s…

Life Spiritual Meandering

Of all the “respectable sins” (a term coined by the author Jerry Bridges) pride has to be one of the most pernicious and pervasive. There is  not a human soul in existence today who is not troubled by this destructive attitude of heart. Arrogance, egotism, self-pity, self-aggrandizement, morbid introspection, public self-exaltation, and many more descriptions of pride characterize our daily…

church Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering

As professing born-again Christians, we claim to cling to the cross of Jesus, or the gospel, as our source of deliverance from sin. But we often compartmentalize God’s deliverance/salvation thinking that the gospel saves me from the penalty of sin (eternal judgment in hell) providing me a secured future in heaven (often thought of as some kind of Christian nirvana),…

church Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering

Below is an “open-letter” describing my heart in the preaching ministry God has given me through Grace Baptist Church. I am greatly privileged to serve a sovereign God as a bond-slave; and I am truly blessed to be able to minister to gracious, loving and receptive people of God in this local assembly as a servant of the Word. Thank…

church Doctrine Fundamentalism Life Spiritual Meandering

I couldn’t resist putting this picture up from the sacred sandwich since I was referencing Pelagius this Sunday. If you listen to this weeks sermon in Romans 11 you will understand what I am talking about. It was a good thing I saw this while I was alone in my office or everyone would have seen the coke come out…

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