Pushing Forward

My ten month old son was born with a fiercely competitive personality.  Not competing with other babies in the nursery so much as fiercely competing with himself.  When he was but a couple of days old, he could not tolerate being swaddled.  At only two days old he was lifting up his head with his eyes wide open trying to become a part of this world.  at one and one half months he was sitting up by himself trying to do it just like those he saw around him.  At four and one half months, he was crawling around things, over things, and under things.  Just before his ten month birthday, he was pushing himself to walk.  Now at ten months two weeks, he almost always refuses to crawl.  Since he was newborn, his mother and I have marvelled that he was never satisfied.  He would cry and get so frustrated because he wanted to crawl so badly.  He couldn’t stand to have to sit in one place.  A couple of months of that and he would cry and sometimes throw a fit because he wanted to walk and couldn’t do it.  What kind of lessons do I learn from my son?  How badly do I desire to walk with my God?  Do I get frustrated when the world and the business of life takes so much time that I find myself neglecting my most important relationship with God?  Am I crying in my spirit for that next stage of growth in my Christian life?  One lesson that has been a real rebuke to me watching my son, is his incessant pursuit of walking.  He falls down over and over and over again.  Sometimes he gets frustrated, sometimes he laughs, but he always gets back up.  Am I that devoted to my walk with God?  Maybe we ought to push forward in our relationship with the Lord like a child pursuing that next stage in growth. 

One Comment

  1. Amy Martin said:

    I love reading your thoughts and how you bring everything around to a Spiritual perspective. Keep posting, you are an encouragement to me. I know that we can learn alot from our kids, funny as that sounds, it’s just a matter of taking the time to stop and learn!

    October 19, 2006

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