Why Christian Education?

Before I attempt to answer this question, let me give a little background about myself.  I grew up in a God-fearing, Christ-honoring home where family devotions were insisted upon (even though we complained about getting up early).  I went to a small Christian school and received a solid education for which I am very grateful.  I attended a small Bible college in Northern Wisconsin and received my degree in Biblical Languages.  I then moved to Salt Lake where I worked with the youth in a small church and taught in the Christian school there.  Recently, the pastor of the church asked me to fill the spot of school administrator.  I accepted this ministry and am now the principal of a small private, Christian school.  That is where I am coming from, and it may surprise some to hear me say that I am not supportive of Christian Schools educating our children.  I am not for public schools educating our children.  Neither am I for a great homeschool curriculum educating our children.  Maybe it is just semantics, I don't know.  But there has been a movement in our culture to push the responsibility of education of the next generation off onto someone else.  The government will do it (public school), the church will do it (Christian school), or the curriculum will do it (homeschool).   However, God places the responsibility of the education of our children squarely on the shoulders of the parents (both of them).  One of the reasons public schools have failed (and most have failed miserably), is that the parents let the ungodly, secular world decide what their children will be taught.  One of the reasons Christian schools are failing (and many are) is that the parents have felt that the Christian school will "fix everything."  There are many homeschool families (not all) that are an embarassment on the Christian community because the parents have relegated what and how their children will learn to the "superior" curriculum.  What needs to change?  We need Christian parents overly-involved in every aspect of their children's education.  From the moment the day begins till they lay their little heads on their pillows–educate.  If you enroll your children in a public school, be active in the political process, after all you are giving your most precious gift into the government's hands.  If you enroll your children in a Christian school, get involved in the school and church as much as you can.  If you homeschool your children, don't trust the curriculum, involve yourself in the process of imparting and receiving truth.  We don't need more schools and curriculums for this next generation, we need more God-directed, God-devoted, God-worshipping parents to be serious about the responsibility of "Christian education." 


  1. Aaron T. said:

    I am the administrative pastor at a church in South Carolina. Good blog! I agree regarding the responsibilty of the parents.

    I’ve got a question about what resources you have studied while becoming or while being the principal of the school that you work for. Do you have any suggested reading (Either in print or online) that you have seen recently that would shine some light for someone who has been given the responsibility to guide the Children’s Education Program but has no background with this area of ministry?

    Thanks for your time!


    July 19, 2006
  2. To be honest, most of the “training” I have received is from experience (My father was the administrator of my Christian School, I taught for four years with no formal training) and the Word of God. I studied the Proverbs, the life of Moses (the greatest “principal”) Ezra, Nehemiah, and other leaders who were given the responsibility to lead. Bob Jones University has a great magazine called Teacher to Teacher. It is very practical in dealing with the various issues that arise in education. Hillsdale college puts out a newsletter called Imprimis which addresses contemporary education issues. I would suggest looking those resources up. I guess my greatest resource has been my father who spent 14 years in administration. If you have any questions feel free to email me at pmatt@graceutah.com

    July 24, 2006
  3. aliar said:

    Another good idea is to look up various homeschooling resources. Even if your interest is not in homeschooling, the homeschooling community puts out tons of articles on education (philosophy, curriculum, goals, etc.) which I think are very helpful. Since I decided to homeschool my children this fall, I’ve been on numerous very helpful websites. If you want a list of some good ones, my email is aliar@comcast.net

    July 25, 2006
  4. aliar said:

    Hey, Matt, could you fix what I did on my previous comment. I didn’t mean to do that with my e-mail address.

    July 25, 2006

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