Author: <span>Matthew Johnson</span>

Christians have a certain lingo that gets used so much, it begins to lose its impact (if it really had any).  The phrase “The Glory of God” is one such phrase.  It is used often, but sadly many times with little thought.  I am probably the most guilty of the irreverent use of such phrases.  However, I have been thinking about…

Life Spiritual Meandering

No, this post (hopefully) is not vain babbling, but I was recently challenged by my reading of Scripture and the studies In I Timothy on Wednesday evenings.  Paul tells Timothy to avoid empty ramblings and babblings about knowledge falsely called so.  Yesterday, a woman come to my office with a “ten-ton” notebook she received from another woman who is starting…


We went up to the canyons yesterday to take some family portraits.  Thanks to our awesome “basement dweller” for snapping these for us, you are good Andrea. 



My God is so big!  In the littlest things of life He is so kind and gracious.  Let me share a short account of how God has blessed us recently.  The current economic strains have been very difficult for us recently.  Two boys in diapers, one still on the bottle and baby food, the rising gas and food prices all…


This post is just a little mental wandering in regards to how God has encouraged me lately.  I am so grateful for God’s Word; it meets my every need at just the right time.  God is good in his church, but lately I have been discouraged by the lack of fervent spiritual desire in his assembly-both in my local church…

Life Spiritual Meandering

On Monday, we went hiking up Bell’s Canyon to see a beautiful waterfall.  I was reminded of Hebrews 4 where the author tells us to labor that we might enter into the rest, however there will be some who fall short of it.  Why would this hike remind me of this Scripture?  As Bonnie and I strapped on the two…

Family Life Spiritual Meandering

I was reminded in 2 Corinthians 12:9 of the sufficiency of God’s grace.  Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles, evidently had some excruciating problem.  He is so burdened by the personal need (whether it was physical or mental we do not know) that he called it a thorn in the flesh and something used by Satan to beat him.  And…

Life Spiritual Meandering

Isaiah 66 is a tremendous chapter in the prophetic book written to Israel.  Most of Isaiah is written to warn of coming judgment on God’s chosen nation-Israel.  The theme of judgment and grace is obvious as one studies this Scripture, but this last chapter focuses on the coming judgment of God on the wicked nations and deliverance for his people. …


These faith-fakers, or pretenders are content to “follow” Jesus until it costs something they are unwilling to pay.

Spiritual Meandering

A couple of weeks ago, we were able to take the family down to Moab, UT for a little vacation.  We hiked a lot of the trails in Arches National Park (kids are a lot heavier on steep slickrock) and had a great time, here are some pictures to enjoy.    Arriving in Downtown Moab At the Visitor’s Center getting…
