Category: <span>Spiritual Meandering</span>

Essential Truth about God—Justice We humans desire justice. Even those with obvious marks of depravity understand the need for justice. Our entire legal system is predicated upon the notion that justice is not only desired it is attainable. Civilizations that place a high priority on justice will often be wealthier and happier. Two words related to justice used often today…

church Doctrine Education Fundamentalism Life Spiritual Meandering

Essential Truth about God—Freedom-Cont.  In our last installment of the grace newsletter, we noted the freedom that God possesses as creator, sustainer and sovereign of the universe is revealed through the tiny first person being verb, “I am.” In choosing a name to reveal himself to the chosen covenant people, God chose to use a word that would simply explain…

Doctrine Education Fundamentalism Life Spiritual Meandering

Personal freedom is a right that we cherish as American citizens. We believe that we are given certain rights (originally stated in the founding days of our nation as the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of property), which no man can properly take from us. We also believe at American citizens that these rights come from God directly and…

church Doctrine Fundamentalism Life Spiritual Meandering

This is part one of a five part series written concerning essential truths concerning God. Obviously, these five truths do not capture the entire scope of God’s Divine nature, that is why we have the entire canon of Scripture. Yet these are five essential truths that will greatly impact how we understand and view God.  Essential Truth about God—Holiness Many…

church Doctrine Spiritual Meandering

The pursuit of our lives as saints must be for the exaltation and ardent glory of our Triune God. God in his absolute and powerful Divine will has chosen to exist in three persons, Although the mystery of those three separate persons existing as one God is a stretch for our minuscule brains to fathom, we find God in the Old and…

church Doctrine Fundamentalism Life Spiritual Meandering

When we consider the divine process of sanctification, we often fail to realize the unique and necessary tension that the Scripture presents in walking in truth and obedience. Individuals and groups routinely find themselves pitting two necessary truths of the Christian life one against the other and taking sides in the issue. It has been said that ideas have consequences,…

church Doctrine Education Family Fundamentalism Life Spiritual Meandering

The title of this post did not originate with me. You have probably seen it or heard people say it as a twist on the popular children’s song “Jesus Loves Me, This I know.” I have no beef with the children’s song. Although some strong Calvinists feel that the popular song is not consistent with New Testament doctrine, and whereas…

church Doctrine Education Family Music Spiritual Meandering

Good leaders, whether in the church, the family, education, government, or business have several qualities in common. Each of these areas of community must function differently and different gifts and skills accompany leadership in these places of service. Yet there are some basic truths concerning leadership that applies across the board in all these areas of life. Of course, the…

Doctrine Education Family Fundamentalism Life Spiritual Meandering

Christianity is a relationship. Giving your life to Jesus is what it means to be a Christian. Making a decision for God is becoming a Christian. Being a faithful person means that I am a Christian. Being a Christian means I love God and others. Christianity is defined as believing in Jesus Christ, after all it’s his “name” in the…

church Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering

All the cities in Alliance met to worship and pray at their weekly gathering, after several weeks they noticed that Mansheart was not in attendance. Representatives from the different cities sent emissaries to Mansheart fearing that the foul smell they had all experienced and the brooding skies above Mansheart were signs of ill-fate for the city. Mansheart’s lack of fellowship…

church Doctrine Life Spiritual Meandering