Category: <span>politics</span>

I recently saw this commercial Audi Green Police (okay so it has been out for a while, but I guess I don’t watch enough TV and when I do, I am notorious for channel surfing during the commercials); and I get that it is just a commercial and supposed to be funny, but since when did totalitarianism become a hip…

Life politics Spiritual Meandering

If, as a Christian, I believe that God is supreme over nations and governments. . . and if, as a Christian, I live in a nation that allows me freedom to express my belief in God. . . Then I have a duty to be a patriot by proclaiming the sovereignty of God in America. If I am to be…

church Doctrine Life politics

I think G. K. Chesterton is one of the most quotable authors of the 19-20th century.  I wish that I knew the spiritual state of Chesterton, for his writing is much like his life, full of paradox.  Chesterton was formally accepted by the Catholic religion toward the end of his life, but much of what he writes is of general…

Life politics quote

Over 27,000 Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Mormons, JWs, and a whole host of  other religious people have recently affixed their names to a document called the Manhattan Declaration.  This document is championed by Chuck Colson who was the originator of the Evangelicals and Catholics together in the early nineties.  It is an attempt to foster unity between different groups who call…

church Doctrine Fundamentalism Life politics

It doesn’t matter which side of the political spectrum one falls upon, there is certainly some who are willing to hack up God’s most holy Word, run it through the grid of what they think it should say, and then publish it for all to cringe over.  See the latest in attacking the authority and inerrancy of God’s Divine Word.…

Doctrine Education Fundamentalism politics

There is a growing trend, not a new one, but one continually growing and seemingly out of control. . .everyone is a victim!  It doesn’t seem to matter what the issue is, there is always someone else who is to blame.  It is not that people in authority and those who make decisions should not be held accountable for poor…

Life politics

I wonder why the Liberal agenda is so inconsistent.  I read on my Social Security statement today that in 2017 we will be paying out more in benefits than receiving in taxes.  Obviously this is because there are more elderly people collecting than younger people paying taxes.  Therefore as the ever pragmatic libs should realize the more children born in…

Life politics Spiritual Meandering

I am in mourning today regarding the presidential election.  I do not mourn the loss of “my candidate” nor do I mourn the win of Mr. Obama.  Instead I grant my congratulations and a promise to President-elect Obama, that I will submit myself to the United States Government’s authority as long as it does not contradict my duty to my…

Life politics