Resurrection Worship

What a wonderful Resurrection Sunday we had at Grace. We began at 9:00 am with a communion service. My heart was moved as different men within the church read various texts of Scripture drawing our attention to the Christ of the cross. Then we remembered the body and blood of Jesus through the elements of the Lord’s supper. Pausing to read a little more Scripture in-between and to sing a stanza of “Jesus Paid it All” accapella style. We concluded our communion with reading of the gentle burial of the body of Jesus. It was such rich spiritual fellowship as God’s people memorialized the sacrifice together. Then we enjoyed physical fellowship eating a delicious breakfast together and just encouraging one another in the faith. Gathering at 10:30, we began worshiping our Lord with uplifting music and then were led to the throne of grace in time of need by a brother. Oh how marvelous to confess our need before God then to adore him quiet adulation. More singing about his cross, the crown, the resurrection morning, and the classic hymn “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.” Before we looked in Romans 8 to examine how the same Holy Spirit of the Resurrection indwells and leads us today, we read responsively the account of Christ’s miraculous defeat of death and invited everyone in song to “Come, People of the Risen” to rejoice with “one heart and voice-O Church of God Rejoice.” After some time contemplating the glorious truths of Romans 8:9-14, we with joy were able to worship with giving back to the Lord from our increase and then were led once again to the throne of grace by another brother to express gratitude to our Risen God and to intercede on behalf of one another. How could the service have ended any better than to sing “Hallelujah, What A Savior” and “It Is Well with My Soul.” Why would a believer ever desire to “forsake the assembling of ourselves together”? And after the service was formally concluded, many saints stayed around rejoicing together, praying, and reminding one another in greeting, “He is risen” and reply “Risen indeed!” What a little, minuscule slice of heaven. One day the gathered worship will never end and we will never grow weary of our corporate exaltation of Christ. I wish to conclude this article with three statements.

1. Thank you Grace Family for your love and joy in worshiping our God together. I was refreshed by all of you Sunday and count it a humbling privilege to be able to preach the Word and lead you in worship.

2. Thank you all who behind the scenes provide support and ability to enjoy this kind of worship. Many men, but mostly women are involved in this aspect of ministry, and not just this past Sunday, but every week. The nursery was cold and crowded, but the nursery volunteers served with gladness. The day began early, but several came early to prepare and some spent much time preparing the breakfast, cleaning the building, practicing music, preparing the ordinances, and the list could go one and on. Thank you, your service done in and through Christ is glorifying to God. There is not a Sunday that goes by that I do not pray for and consider those who are teaching, cleaning, changing diapers, preparing food, greeting visitors, and so much more. Our worship was enriched by faithful service–even behind the scenes.

3. To those within the Salt Lake Valley area. this Easter service, although somewhat distinct characterizes the worship every week of Grace Baptist Church. If you are longing for a church family that is attended by graciously saved souls who still sin; weak, humble people who know that “nothing in my hand I bring, simply to His cross we cling,” and growing yet, imperfect people who only want to glorify God, then come visit with us. I promise you two things will happen, you will see fallible people, but you will see God’s glory.

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